Adorno will connect you with the most exclusive models, carefully curated to your unique preferences.
Use our quick and easy online form to provide information about your desired watch and our team will get back to you with an initial quote as quickly as possible.
After completing the questionnaire, you will receive an email or WhatsApp message within 48 hours.
If you are unsure of the exact reference numbers or model names, please describe your desired watch in as much detail as possible in the "Desired features" field so we can identify the model as quickly as possible.
Please note that you are under no obligation to accept the offer we send you. If you decide to purchase and accept the offer, we will send you an invoice for the full amount of the watch, the cost of authenticity verification if the seller is private person, shipping costs if necessary and a service fee which can range from 3% to 12% of the watch price depending on the desired model.
Please note that the cost of authenticity verification will not be charged if any defects are found. If you decide to cancel the purchase during the process, you are entitled to a refund of any unused funds.